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I'm serious AF.
That's right.



"Satisfaction in what I do day-to-day is paramount."

​"As young curious-minded entrepreneurial types do, Myra tried out many different job positions. One of those early positions was working for a property owner. She helped manage rentals learning firsthand about maintenance, and how to run a maintenance crew. She was fortunate to have a boss who taught her a little bit about every aspect of the business. She was given a toolbox- a literal one, and she also began building her "business toolbox", though she didn't know that at the time. At 18, he entrusted her with a commercial acquisition project, taught her about lending, and even had her oversee an eviction. "I am ever grateful to him. Looking back I can see just how formational that experience was."

Her first business was an independent film production company in Los Angeles, "an invaluable, thrilling trial-by-fire" education that cemented how she has pursued business to this day. She was asked to produce a short 35mm film. Knowing nothing of the industry she asked, "What does a producer do?" The answer was simply, "They make it happen." So she figured out what she needed to often informally interviewing people and making "practice phone calls" using an alias. That first production went off without a hitch. So she put out an ad and just like that- she got work, rented an office, and was in business. She was entrusted by strangers with managing budgets where thousands of dollars were spent each day. "It was an environment of making the nearly impossible come true, day after day." 


When Myra was 27 Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. Due to the government's inaction, she was compelled to help. She didn't mean to start another company. "It just happened." She co-founded an emergency disaster relief non-profit (NFP). It required her to relocate temporarily to Louisiana. It was "all day long, every day for over a year". It was more intense than producing. "The world got smaller. I found myself in rooms with community stakeholders- business owners, judges... I realized that I can have a large impact simply by being a doer. I didn't need to have experience. I needed to keep asking questions and keep pushing things forward." But the NP grew too fast, and front-lines work was too hard on her heart. It went on to grow internationally and did beautiful work including aiding thousands of refugees for over 4 years in the Oinofyta, Greece Refugee Camp. 


With the NFP taking on a life of it's own Myra took a position with a real estate development firm in Beverly Hills with projects locally and internationally where she could utilize her skillset. her earlier education in real estate provided her a foundation to dive into these much larger projects and find her way. Involved in a handful of multi-million dollar commercial projects she seized every opportunity to learn. "It wasn't easy. It wasn't without some ethical compromise. So... I couldn't stay. But it was another big part of my real-world business education."

At 30, with the downturn in the economy caused by the housing crash ('07), Myra seized an opportunity to move to New Zealand where she would finally learn how to have a healthy work/life balance. She took up surfing and fell in love with the land. She wanted to stay but she needed a visa. She looked for a market void and found one. She started an unfunded niche flooring business championing sustainability, and marketed to architects & interior designers. The company, imported, designed, created products, and managed each installation across upmarket residential and commercial projects- restaurants & bars, flagship banks, and hotels. Myra recalls with a smile on her face how humble its beginning was- a true no money start up. NTF (Natural Timber Floors, Ltd) was well-known almost overnight, garnering some of the largest contracts in the country. The business grew over 300% YOY during a depressed economy. All the while she prioritized a manageable schedule. "I had learned how to do business that didn't have to take up all of me." A handful of years in, she started her family and it was time to return home to the US. 

Back stateside, when it was time to return to work, now with a daughter in tow, Myra combined her real estate and subcontracting project management experience and her unshakable entrepreneurial mindset to begin looking for that market void. This company combined construction project management with interior design. Clients loved having at woman at the helm with both trades under one roof eliminating the common problems of design fighting with function. This business allowed her the control over her schedule that she needed as a mother. She was able to run away to the park mid-day and cuddle before nap time. 


One thing this interviewer can't skip over is that Myra didn't choose to be an entrepreneur. She didn't have a choice in this part of her life's path. Perhaps it is inborn. She loves a challenge. She loves problem-solving. She craves efficiency. She makes decisions autonomously. She trusts herself whether her opinion is formed by gut instinct or backed by the data. She doesn't mind having all the weight of a company's success or failure on her shoulders. "The market is the test. The market is my report card." she says. She seeks satisfaction in creating something from what started out as just an idea. "It's so rewarding." With her entrepreneurial spirit and can-do personality, it is not surprising that through the years many have sought her out to consult with her regarding their career and business endeavors.


Covid threw a serious wrench in her renovation business. Though she didn't realize it at the time, covid did her a favor. Myra decided to leave the Northeast and move back to warm and sunny southern CA. With that, she transitioned to consulting full-time and has found herself in the career where she belongs. All of her business experiences allow her to connect with a wide variety of clients. She chooses to work with small business. "The small business formula make sense. They have a product or service. The community needs it. It's simple. It's a good feeling. Big companies inevitably equal compromise for the employee and for the community." She loves to share what she has learned and to challenge people to think differently. And she reminds them that while starting a business is hard, small businesses are important. "They provide us with an income that we can feel proud of, and diversify the products and services available in the marketplace and accountability. I don't want a world without mom-and-pop companies, a world dominated by the share-holder driven corporations."




Psychology of Business
I use a psychology of business approach to assist business owners to understand the foundations of psychology that permeate all business endeavors. There isn’t an area of a business's success that isn’t rooted in psychology. The psychology of business approach should create the foundation for guiding the operational structure of the business, as well as the creative e.g. media assets. It is all psychology. The importance of this can't be understated. Do you want your ad to be seen? Do you want to keep your employees long-term? Understanding what drives people helps business owners in all areas- from keeping employees optimally productive, to getting clients in the door, to strong sales numbers. Using calculable human nature, we create smart business practices.


Full-Circle Marketing

The most successful marketing understands just how large the marketing umbrella actually is and incorporates a mixture of a tried and true psychological principles. Marketing extends to every part of your business that interacts with the customer. So, is customer service part of marketing? If all of your marketing efforts lead customers through your door to then be turned off by your crabby receptionist- did your marketing plan fall short? Full-circle marketing is more effective. It follows the customers experience to maximize satisfaction at every point maximizing your investment.


"Business-Based Creative"

Approaching creative assets for your brand with an adept understanding of the basic principals of business is the first crucial component to effective creative assets. Incorporating necessary psychological principles to achieve your desired outcome, is the second. Surprisingly, the majority of creatives are not taught about business and thus there is often a disjoint in marketing materials- one of the most crucial parts of a business's success. 


Sustainable Business Practices

I am a proponent of sustainable business practices. Happy work environments equal low turnover. Burnout is costly for the human experiencing it, and also to the company that suffers from low productivity and/or high attrition. Creating a work environment that allows its employees to feel valued is what is best for ROI. What do your employees need?



Almost anyone with intelligence and grit can start a business by following a road map. Excelling and remaining in business requires knowing the A, B, C's, and also- knowing when to break the rules. It involves a little bit of luck, a whole lot of dedication and a little bit of 'art'. I enjoy helping others tune into their inner business voice and their business creativity. Flexibility is a strength in business. Rigidity eventually breaks. 


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