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I'm Myra. 

​I am laser-focused, quirky, witty, & love small business. I don't want to live in a world of only Amazon.

I started my first no-money small business at 20, and the flexibility and freedom it gave me had me hooked. Surprisingly it wasn't the lifestyle that had me hooked- it was the flexibility and power to do things in business the way I thought best. I didn't have to stifle my ideas or wait for someone else to give me the green light. I could enact my vision and let the market be my test. After all, isn't that the truest of tests? Well, it has been for me. 

Small businesses are the backbone of our country's economy. Not only do they provide us with choice and variety, but they are the businesses that we like to interact with- businesses where customer service is reachable. They create 2 out of 3 new jobs and employ half of our workforce. The health of small businesses matters.

Is your business healthy?

Myra Spence
Business planning for success


Campaigns matter

"Are our posts actually bringing in business?"

What's the difference between posting & driving engagement? What's a social media funnel? How can I track effectiveness?
Outsourcing expertise

"Should I outsource HR? What are the pros & cons?"

Is it worth hiring out or should I try to keep this in-house? How do I weigh the pros & cons of something that I am unfamiliar with?
Websites matter

"Website: front-end, back-end, come again?"

Is the front-end or back-end of a website more important what does that really mean? How often does Google update their alogrithyms?  
Priotitize for success

"There's so much... How do I prioritize?"

Where do I start? What do I do first? How do others organize all this? Does this mean I am not cut out for this?

Why are we not getting results from Social Media?

What's the difference between posting & driving engagement?

Should I Outsource HR?

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Am I Doing This Right?

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Jessica Davis

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Jessica Davis

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Jessica Davis

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Jessica Davis

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

So, you have questions...

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

Don't fear failure.

Fear being in the same exact place next year as you are today."

Business planning = success

My Approach

Psychology Based Business Generalist

I use a psychology-of-business approach to assist business owners in understanding the foundations of psychology that permeate all business endeavors. There isn’t an area of a business's success that isn’t rooted in psychology. From the operational structure, employee retention, sales numbers, to the creative, e.g. media assets, it is all psychology. The importance of this can't be overstated. 

I'm a generalist, not a specialist.   Most solopreneurs and small businesses (<15 employees) use a generalist because they need someone who has a hold on every facet of their business and how it all comes together. For small businesses looking for someone to help them across the board - it's imperative to work with a consultant who has started and run their own small business. The experience gained from that success is the only way to understand the plight of the small business owner.

"Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art.
It is a practice."
-Peter Drucker

Embrace learning, grow


Why do these statistics matter?

Just like we beg our children to learn from our mistakes- we need to learn from those who have come before us.

The margins between success and failure are often very small.

Save time, money and protect yourself from failure. We need your small business. It matters!


33.2 million

There are 33.2 million small businesses in the US, comprising 99% of all firms. Yes, you can start a business.

22% to 50%

Within the first year, almost 22% of small businesses fail. By the fifth year, the number increases to 50%. What do the successful businesses do differently?

How many SB's are profitable?

Only 40% of small businesses were profitable at some point in their existence. 30% of them managed to break even, while the remaining 30% suffered a revenue loss. How do you make sure you turn a healthy profit?

9 out of 10 people...

Around 89% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase. 

Small businesses need to know what big businesses know, to be able to compete. Do you know what their recipes are?

I offer a 20-minute free consultation.
t's a no-brainer. Let's see if we can do some great work togeter.

Let's chat. (It's frreee)

Jasper, Aspiring Entreprenuer, CA

"I complained that I couldn't afford to work with Myra and I dragged my feet. Then in our first session, she highlighted that I opened the wrong entity. I wasted $1,100 on it. I wish I had spent that $1,100 on consulting.. I'd be so much farther ahead."

Gina, Real Estate Investor,  FL

As a serial entrepreneur & someone who has gone the DIY approach for each small business I’ve owned, I have to say that working with a business consultant has been a TOTAL GAME CHANGER.

Myra’s approach, while not always conventional, definitely helps you to see from a different, more effective perspective.

Working with her is like having a super star best friend in your corner, she’s a phenomenal coach in not just numbers & strategy — but also the mental/emotional aspects of what it takes to be a strong business owner & leader.

Noah, Sr Designer, CO

"Invest. Invest in yourself. Invest in your future. You want to know how to realize your goals? This is how. Stop buying fancy Starbucks, pinch pennies if you have to and call Myra. Wherever it is you want to go, she will help you get there."

Jasper, Aspiring Entreprenuer, CA

"I complained that I couldn't afford to work with Myra and I dragged my feet. Then in our first session, she highlighted that I opened the wrong entity. I wasted $1,100 on it. I wish I had spent that $1,100 on consulting. I'd be so much farther ahead. Now I am very clear that I don't know what I don't  know and I see the value of paying for expertise."

Gina, Serial Entreprenuer,  FL

"As a serial entrepreneur & someone who has gone the DIY approach for each small business I’ve owned, I have to say that working with a business consultant has been a TOTAL GAME CHANGER.

Myra’s approach, while not always conventional, definitely helps you to see from a different, more effective perspective.

Working with her is like having a super star best friend in your corner, she’s a phenomenal coach in not just numbers & strategy — but also the mental/emotional aspects of what it takes to be a strong business owner & leader."

JP, Senior Designer, NQIDQ, RIDFL

"Myra‘s strategic approach to business organization and team mentorship is a very hands-on, personal, and “people focused“ process.
She is extremely well-versed in creating and executing custom tailored business strategies in all areas of company operations.
Her invaluable expertise in crafting scalable business plans and organization structures that are customized to the business and its team, allows her to help build a streamlined and well-oiled machine for any successful business from the ground up!"
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